Dear Sirs Sellers and buyers always have a lot of questions and doubts related to cooperation with real estate agences, therefore we would like to bring you few topics and answer to frequently asked questions:
1. "I don`t want to sign a contract until you bring me a customer."
ILS POLAND GROUP like other real estate agencies is required to sign a contract with you.
This duty arrives from the entries of the Statue on Real Estate, Code of Ethics, Standards of Professional Real Estate Agents. Clearly defined will the parties of the contract guarantees the security of the transaction. Content of the contract clearly defines the responsibilities and necessary steps to its implementation. It is very often when you entrust us the whole life heritage. We can`t imagine to represent your interests only by "word". We are professionals so we secure your interests in reliable manner. We know all about your offer and follow the indicated address. To make it possible, the broker should know the advantages and disadvantages of your property. The agent must expose the advantages of the property, describe it and completely prepare to promote and present an offer. Ladies and Gentlemen – this cannot be done professional at proverbial knee.
2. "I will sign only open contract."
It is your decision what kind of contract you will sign with us. Our responsibility is to inform you that there is a more effective form of contract – closed, the contract on an exclusive basis. From our research and observations turns out that exclusive contract is underrated by many and enjoying small popularity among sellers. What is the reason of its small popularity?
3. What is the amount of the deposit in case of signing the preliminary contract?
Formally, it is not specified, otherwise traditionally, it is assumed about 10% of the transaction value, unless the parties will agree otherwise.
4. What is the height of your commission?
In Poland renumeration for real estate agencies is usually:
- 3% of the transaction value when it includes developed property or facilities + 23% VAT;
- 5% of the transaction value when it includes undeveloped property + 23% VAT.
Broker should inform the client that he may represent both sides of transaction.