Ladies and Gentlemens,
To meet customer expectations, while taking into account the rapidly changing situation on the Polish real estate market, we offer a unique promotion called "Promotion 0%".
This promotion is directed only to the buyers and includes only selected offer to sell the property with the bank group offers ILS, marked with a special graphic symbol "0% from the buyer," and presented on, Internet portals and newspaper classifieds.
Please be advised that the purchase of the property covered by the promotion of the buyer does not pay commission to the office, but an office in this case does not perform brokerage services to Buyer unless Buyer has given any, request.
With this unique promotion can benefit all those who find themselves a real estate covered by the promotion on, on portals or newspaper classifieds, notify the office ILS her desire to see the property and buy the property.
IMPORTANT: ILS provides agency services solely on the basis of agency agreement concluded in writing for consideration specified in the contract. |
All inquiries regarding promotion please email: |
RULES OF PROMOTION – "Promotion 0%"
The terms used in the regulations::
Broker - a company ILS.
"Promotion 0%" - means that the buyer of properties based on their choice of bank offers ILS offers only marked with a special sign-graphic symbol "0% from buyer" pays no commission.
Buyer - a person who herself was a real estate covered by the terms of the promotion "Promotion 0%" on the site:, on portals or newspaper advertisements published on this site, and then the property purchased.
The seller - the owner of the property, which commissioned the Mediator to take steps aimed at sales / property on the basis of a signed agency agreement.
Purchaser - the person who commissioned the agency to execute the tasks Mediator efforts to search for interesting real estate listings by specified criteria on the basis of a signed agency agreement.
1. "Promotion-0%" refers to the range of options in the database offers Mediator, bearing a special mark-graphic symbol "0% from the Buyer", presented on the site:, Internet portals and newspaper classifieds.
2. Use the promotion of "Promotion 0%" buyer does not pay any commission.
3. The remuneration for the transaction related to the promotion of the offer covered by the Seller in accordance with the signed agreement of mediation.
4. The promotion, called "Promotion 0%" can benefit only those who meet the following conditions:
a/ find yourself on the site:, on portals or newspaper classifieds offer covered by the promotion,
b/ Intermediary commission on the basis of a signed agency agreement following mediation efforts to find them interesting for their offer to purchase the property,
c/ confirm in writing the transfer of the address selected by the Buyer of the property covered by the promotion during the promotion period "Promotion 0%"
d/ make offer to purchase the property covered by the "Promotion 0%
5. Buyers using promotion "Promotion 0%" is not the Employer within the meaning of the joints on real estate, and thus:
a/ agent does not perform to the Buyer any act of mediation, including not protect its interest in the transaction covered by the promotion of the "Promotion 0%",
b/ Broker assumes no liability to the Buyer in respect of civil liability for damage caused in the exercise of agency operations,
c/ agent represents only the seller in the transaction covered by the promotion agency and acts solely for his benefit.
6. At the request of the Buyer Broker can perform its intermediation activities necessary for the execution of the transaction, but the service provided is payable and will be done on the basis of a signed agency agreement.
7. "Promotion 0%" does not apply to buyers, who received a promotion Mediator covered with another estate agent, working with the mediator, and in this case, the Buyer is obliged to make a settlement with the office, which is the Customer in accordance with the signed agreement of mediation.
8. Promotion starts on November 2, 2010, and will last until 03 November 2013.
9. The period of the promotion are subject to change.
ILS Real Estate Management