If you are or will be on retirement see the surprising results of EUROSTAT researches

According to Eurostat researches – namely the European Statistic Office the polish pensioner on the background of countries so-called Old Union falls surprisingly.

Polish retirement allows to affluent life in only few Union countries.

*the attached table has been prepared basing on ikono graphics Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and Eurostat

Our polish life autumn

Admittedly the polish seniors financial situation is better than their equivalents from Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria but to average wealthy country like neighbouring Germany we are really far away.

Eurostat measures height of the average retirement by PPS rate.

It is kind of an artificial currency.

For one unit at the same time we can buy the same goods and services in different countries.

How big is the difference between Poland and prosperous country in EU, namely Germany, can be seen in the picture, the average retirement in this country is two times higher than in Poland.

However, looking optimistic in Poland retirement is two times higher than in Bulgaria!

The polish pensioner receives equivalent of 1818 PPS and bulgarian only 985.

In comparison to the prices and retirements in Bulgaria the polish senior may feel almost like a Croesus.

Nothing can improve the mood on retire as the days spent on the sunny beach with the favourite book.

Spend wealthy your retirement.

Not only aware and experienced investors knows very well that crisis helps investing in properties. As shows the researches also so-called ordinary Poles knows that the most profitable form of investment are houses, flats and apartments.

Properties are definitely much safer investment of resources for example in comparison to gold, or unpredictable for the average investor the stock market.

Besides, the analysis shows that the one who were investing in a plot and flat at the beginning of XXI century after few years was richer by several percent in comparison to the one who is investing in stocks with success.

Of course, it all depends on the condition of the global economy, but having the land, house or apartment we can be more than sure that sooner or later it will bring us profits.

Pole on the retirement and the higher life standard

But where? The answer is clear!

Only in few countries (see attached table) our seniors can afford to prosperous life.

Among them in the first place is Bulgaria!

As shows the researches conducted many years by ILS from Szczecin, more and more of our pensioners – also young people from uniformed services – decided to move to this country.

ILS Poland only in 2011 and 2012 helped for more than 50 families to move permanently to Bulagaria.

In general, they are middle-aged people on retirement or younger pensioners from the so-called uniformed services.

What convinced them? As they say, a lot of factors but they are still repeating a few key:

- much lower, even two or three times properties prices,

- warm climate, the sea temperature rarely falls under 0 degrees, you can take bath at the sea in october,

- there are half more sunny days than in Poland,

- slavic nation and friendly country, where every polish citizen feels like at home.

Want means be able to

Most of interested in improving their life standard were buying the national properties, being afraid or simply do not realize that buying a house for example in Bulgaria or in Spain is as easy as buying a plot in Podlasie.

Just one call to the office and professional advisors will take care of all formalities on our behalf. The more that the house prices in Bulgaria are really low.

Apartments situated near beaches in seaside resorts can be purchased for the proverbial polish pennies, because the apartment prices starts from 10 thousand euro, houses with plots even from 3 thousand euro.

And we? We are still patiently waiting for the desired document which will confirm the ownership right and enjoy the new home in a warm country.

Author: Wojciech Buszko

If you are or will be on retirement see the surprising results of EUROSTAT researches

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