Most of us at least once have sold the property and selling it are asking "How to sell my property effectively and get the expected price?"
The sale itself is not a problem but getting the expected and good for us price, this is the great art. What to do to achieve a success and sell for as much as we want in short time and at the same time make the buyer satisfied?
Well, we reveal some secrets which every seller should "take to his heart".
Secret I
Knowledge of dependents for the success of sale – the rule of buyer eye view
How to prepare for a meeting with potential buyer to be able to present properties advantages? How to predict the buyer`s questions, respond and about what is worth to say?
Well, the truth is that there are no perfect flats, houses, plots etc. because we are all different and expects something else, success is only when the seller and buyer expectations will be satisfied but keep in mind that these expectation usually lies on two different poles.
The paradox consist in the fact that the same property for the seller and buyer has a completely different value and it is happening for a one reason. During the transaction the seller usually valuated their memories associated with the property but the potential buyers are not able to feel like at home and therefore can not be determined and thus watching another property.
So the trick is to prepare for the sale and to present the property to make during this short presentation the potential buyer feel like at home and wanted to live here. Consciousness of our own emotions is necessary to do this because only then it will be easier to control ourselves and thus in some way control the impressions which we can do with our Property on the others.
Secret II
Prepare the Property to sale and the rule of the first impression
When you decide to sell your property regardless of the reasons, you must first realize that in most cases of effective sale about whether someone will buy or not given property determines usually few seconds at the first meeting so the buyer`s first impression.
Experience shows that the properly prepared seller who shows given property shortly after cross the threshold by potential buyer hears: O my, that`s what I was looking for and my dreaming comes true, even if I had to take credit I take it without haggling!
Ofcourse it is only an example and the dreamed situation for every seller, but we need a little fatigue and prepare for this to achieve desired success.
The first step to success is consciousness of well-known psychological rule of the first impression, namely the first impression is an instinctive reflex which is lasting few seconds.
In this short time we assess whether generally the property is pleased for us and do we feel safe there.
The first impression is an image which we create about some person or like in this case about the property in this few moments. That image is colored with emotions, it stays long and strongly affects on our further decisions related to it.
We should try to realize the first impression that we have on other people in their daily lives because just as it is in the real estates where as the potential buyers we succumb to the first impression and influence on further decisions. The condition of being affected is to meet basic expectations of the buyer which he estimated according to his own criteria, which property he wants to see and which not. When he decide to see offered by us, let him know that he did not lose time but he saw a really worthy of attention and valuable time sale offer.
We must remember that it is the only one first impression and it is understood that lasts from 4 to 6 seconds. In this short time we assess given property and make it "pigeonhole". These drawers have different labels such as: I like, this is it, it seems to be excellent, I would like to buy i tor I do not feel safe here.
Secret III
Effective presentation of own Property – 11 basic ways to prepare
Currently every offer on the market participates in the race with hundreds or thousands of other offers for the favor of a potential buyer. It is not easy to arouse interest of the potential buyer.
Therefore the following 11 rules can greatly help in convincing viewers to buy the property.
A good first impression is invaluable
Absolute order is a key to success
Refresh – low cost which brings suprising results
Removing a small error san additional advantage
There is no explanation for the obvious things – everything can be repaired
House or flat is not a magazine of unnecessary things
Cleanliness and Comfort in bathroom is the next key to success
The cozy and clean bedroom milestone for signature on the sales contract
Day is a good time for viewing
Our sale is not an auction but an individual offer
I sell the property, not myself
Observations of many experts and specialists from the world confirms that the property owners who spend a lot of work to prepare an appropriate of flat, house plot or any other property, have no problem with the effective sale for the expected even high price.
Secret IV
Professional help
One of the best public way to get help from the professionals is to use the services of the real estate experts in various types of the properties, the liders are licensed real estate agencies with experienced real estate agents.
For an example we may use the story of a client who tried own forces, then he asked the real estate agency for help:
One day he arrived to our office in Szczecin, very elegant client and entering to the office and greeted, then he asked for help in the sale of his flat, to our surprise saying:
"Dear Sirs, here are the keys to my flat, I will pay any fee but please, help me in effective and quick sale of my property".
When we asked about the reasons for such determination to get help he told us duriring the conversation his history:
"I am a banker every day employed in bank loans and credit department. When I decided to sell the property alone, I placed it on several advertising portals and the newspapers with advertisements. The response was immediate and my flat was watching by many potential buyers. During two months almost every day I showed my flat instead of going to work. I used to it a paid and free vacation, instead of earning money I lost my time and nothing. I`ve had enough viewers and crooks who want to buy a flat for a half price, so I hope that you will help me, because I saw on your website department named we are looking for our clients".
We did so, we signed an agreement with the client and after less than 14 days with our company professional team the flat has been sold and thus we gained another satisfied and grateful customer.
The trust given to an agent always brings profits because only person who has specialized in the sale of the properties for years can comprehensively gave advices to seller how when and what to prepare, can effectively organize promotion of an offer and properly encourage potentially interested, can reliably perform the entire sales process and protect the interests of the seller against the risk of loss the many times life achievement and avoid many dangers which gives sale itself.
Among the features of a good broker is necessary to mention for example professional knowledge about the real estates, personal culture, the ability to behave in every situation, knowledge of effective negotiation techniques, new work tools, speed and motivation, good intuition, professionalism, openness to cooperation with the others, availability and flexibility in action and above all honestly and reliability.
With this all in mind before selling let`s consider what we can do alone and what is better to entrust the experts and you will sell the property for price which you want and in a short time.
Thus, we would like to wish on behalf of the whole ILS POLAND GROUP team successful sales and we invite you to use our services.
Ilona Biercewicz and Stanisław Lewicki
Co-founder of Polish Chamber of Real Estate