Everyone can check on-line our reliability and transparency in the program Reliable Company

Reliable Company – distinction which obliges.

Systematicly continuing our development, servicing honestly and diligently polish and foreign markets from many years as a co-founder of Polish Chamber of Real Estate which guarantees safety of fulfilled dreams, we decided to meet consumer expectations once again, and from 8 of September 2011 we took part in the program "Reliable Company".

Relible certificate is not just real honor, but also guarantee the highest quality of cooperation and security of concluded business contracts for a potential partners and clients.

According to the several independent pollsters research, the Internet and the view of our closest are in Poland and other countries the most popular source of information about honesty and reliability of companies for us.

Results of these research shows that we have a distance to the assessment of the companies reliability by advertising messages. Each of us deciding about our consumer choices takes into account both, the value for money of the provided by the company goods and services, and its transparency, credibility and reliability.

The Reliable Company program is running under the National Debt Register patronage, which recommends only Reliable Companies cooperation.

The patronage on the program perform the Ministry of Economy.

In view of the huge opportunities which today Internet gives to all users, we provide now the possibility to check range of information about our credibility on-line by the link to the certificate, which is updated in the real time whenever the consumer enters to the KRD database.

Everyone can check on-line our reliability and transparency in the program Reliable Company